Brisbane Times

Toothpaste, hand wash could be building 'superbugs', study shows

An ingredient found in thousands of personal care products, including some brands of toothpaste and hand wash, could be making certain bacteria resistant to antibiotics, a Queensland research paper has found.

Queensland Budget 2018 blog

Resident wins appeal against Toowong 'champagne flute' development

A Brisbane resident has won an appeal against the approval of a three-tower complex at the former ABC studio site in Toowong.

Sister of missing Night Raider fisherman ask why search didn't start sooner

The sister of a fisherman who remains missing after trawler Night Raider lost contact off the Fraser Coast in November wants answers.

The biggest loser of Australia's gas shortage is the city that's sucking it all up

Not that long ago, so many people were falling over themselves to get to Gladstone that the council was paying others to leave.